About Jake.

I'm a curious individual with a passion for all things creative. As a child, my favorite activity was to explore building vast Lego worlds while scrolling through the seemingly endless amount of stations on a hand me down AM/FM radio. Nothing was more fulfilling to me than to have an engaging project to explore that allowed me to investigate my creativity and curiosity, and my connections to a broader world.

As an adult, I try to bring that same sense of wonder and exploration into the creative projects I embark on. With the right framework of empathetic design thinking, I approach problems as opportunities for improvement, and a chance to implement unique & elegant solutions. I like to wear many hats, and put myself in a broad variety of shoes (literally & figuratively). This helps me better understand all stakeholders and users, and aligns my design with a solution that works for all parties.


◄  Hiking & Foraging & Adventures

◄  Cooking / new types of grilled cheese sandwiches

◄  Movies, from new to old

◄  Trying to finish reading books

◄  Listening to music, all day

Design Background.

Building on a lifelong passion for creating, constructing, and making, I found myself pursuing hands on roles in metalworking, landscaping, and construction. While pursuing an interdisciplinary art degree, I learned a broad range of skills from drawing/painting, visual programming and video/photo editing. I would later transition to the fields of mechanical & civil design, with roles designing complex electronic assemblies, elevators, and ultimately designing gas & electric utility infrastructure. Building on this background, I discovered a passion in web design & development. It presents the perfect balance of creative thinking and technical problem solving, that falls right in my sweet spot, combining my love of art, engineering, & design.

I have found that using a methodical approach of research and discovery helps truly understand the problem at hand. Bringing my engineering experience to this process helps me systematically identify the problem and the steps ahead to arrive at a solution. Doing this work before, during, and after ideating solutions is crucial! Approaching a problem with an open mind, empathy, and patience, I am able to translate complex ideas into simple and easily digestible visual concepts. Ultimately, I love helping people and businesses arrive at creative and enjoyable solutions.