Leaves Continued

Jake Steven Miller
February 25, 2022

Building off my last post about our relationship with time, and how important it is to take stock, commemorate, and undergo in rituals that help us understand, I thought I would feature the rest of the works I created. Just this time with less words, hopefully letting the imagery do the talking. Enjoy!

So, there you have it. These leaf works were a collaboration between my partner & myself from March of 2020 to December of 2021. They did the collecting, I did the arranging and freezing in time using matte medium gel on canvas, with some acrylic paint for the backgrounds. Serving as a snapshot of a particular period of time, a reflection and show of gratitude to existence, family/friends, love, nature and redefinition of importance. Mixed with just a hint of midwestern crafty kitsch. Hope you enjoyed!

Jake Steven Miller
Dreamer by day and night, and designer by day job.